Week 3 was full of energy, dynamic with 10 Toastmasters present to help. Everyone (toastmaster members) are so excited about this speechcraft, and want to get on board. It feels so good to have started something, and co-ordinated something that has raised so much enthusiasm and energy. Gets a bit addictive this successful leadership stuff, its very rewarding.
The scheduling becomes more complicated each week. In week two we had several speechcrafters apologies so that meant I had to schedule 10 speeches for week 3. That's a lot! and a lot of evaluations.
As it turns out I had one apology the day before and and three on the day so we only ended up hearing 6 speakers on week 3. Which was good, I extended the evauators time to 2 min each evaluation which gave more detailed feed back for not only the speaker to benefit from but also the other speakers to learn from.
What was more challenging in relation to scheduling was that in week two we had an educational on introducing a speaker and the speechcrafters were to introduce one of the speakers. I had pre assigned this before the meeting. Some speechcrafters had contacted their speaker to get details for their introduction. But with all the late appologies the introduction-speaker schedule was all out of wack, so a fluid agenda and relaxed approach was the order of the day.
We heard some great introductions (even though some of my speechcrafters were thrown into the task). The speeches were excellent. I could see that most had taken into consideration things we presented and encouragements from evaluations. I could really see improvement in all of them from their first speech.
We had two excellent educationals, one on how to evaluate and the other on body language, from two very experienced and respected toastmasters. They entertained and educated us, connected with the audience, that's what public speaking is all about and did a brillant job.
Next week we move onto our next assignment "Be in ernest" speech where I have encouraged the speechcrafters to use body language as a tool to convey how ernest they are about their topic. Having several apologies in week 3 has left me with 4 speakers not presenting their second speech. We need to keep the program moving along and in context of the sessions of the evening. I have encouraged the speechcrafters who missed out to present their second speech at the Manningham club on a regular meeting. Hope they take up the opportunity, it will be a great experience very supportive and expand their ability to speak outside their comfort zone. if they don't I will schedule them as reserve speakers in case we have apologies in week 4.
Invited the speechcrafters to bring along a friend on the final night. It will be a celebration of their skills and an opportunity to expand the positive Toastmasters experience to others. I know many of the Toastmaster presenters are keen to come back for the final night to celebrate the success and progress.
Two weeks break now due to the Melb cup weekend. Which is good to have a break mid session (its full on). Next session on 9th Nov.