For years I have been entering every club contest I could. For many years I never progressed past through to the next level of competitions. But with persistance I eventualy developed a skill for the Humorous competition. From someone who is lousy at even telling a joke. So the years passed and I started winning these club contests and progressing further and further. For many years I was a contestant at our Area Humorous contest. Unfortunately this year I did not make it through. So when our Area Governor asked me to be the Area Humerous Contest Chair I was thrilled.
The first thing was it was so much more relaxing being on the emcee side of the night, than being the contestant. I didn't have days and days spent on preparing and practicing the speech.
You feel like royalty when people address you as "madam contest chair"
I was determined to warm up the audience before the first speaker. So on to google to find some appropriate jokes, it took some looking to find clean ones but I did.
So after welcoming everyone and outlining the rules I gave some corny one liners and then built up to my main joke. Everyone had a good laugh, so mission acomplished, on with the introductions of the contestants.
The contestants were really good, and funny, pitty the judges.
Then the judges retired to tally their votes and I interviewed the contestants picking a question to ask them that was related to their speech. This ended up being really funny too.
It was a terrific night, very entertaining, very enjoyable experience for me.
I would recommend to any Toastmaster to take on the rewarding role of Contest Chair.
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